Implant-Supported Dentures Provide Security

All-On-4 OPKSFor those patients who have lost all or most of their teeth, or for those who are requiring extensive extractions, dental prosthetics will be needed to appropriately maintain their mouth’s function. Historically, this has meant traditional dentures, which are connected to the face through an adhesive. This can be messy and unreliable.

Now, with the advent of dental implant technology, a new procedure has emerged that brings you the benefits of both dentures and implantation. Implant-supported dentures, also known as the All-On-4® procedure, utilize similar posts into the jaw. Except rather than a single tooth, a set of posts are used to brace a denture prosthetic.

Today, your Overland Park, KS dentist explains some of the benefits to this procedure, and to see if it might be a fit for you! (more…)

Jaw Tension Due To Anxiety

Anxiety OPKSOur world can be filled with chaos and stress. And sometimes, our brain can have some difficulties computing the world and those stressors can lead to a myriad of anxiety disorders. And that can manifest itself in jaw tension, which can cause both long-term problems and daily headaches.

Today, your Overland Park, KS dentist writes about how our mental health can affect our smile, and when might be best to see a professional. (more…)

New School Year, A Fresh Cleaning

School OPKSFor a lot of us, the summer was jam-packed with activities, maybe a vacation if you could get away. With that, some of the less exciting needs may have fallen by the wayside. But with the school year rapidly approaching, now may be a perfect time for you to get these chores out of the way.

Today, your Overland Park, KS dentist writes a bit on how important regular checkups are, and how scheduling them near the start of the school year can help you. Regimented scheduling means a more detailed view of any changes within the mouth. And it helps you to stay honest about going! (more…)

Get The Most Out Of Implants

Smile OPKSWhenever you have decided to get implants, there is always a period of preparation. Whether you are getting a single tooth replaced or if you have an entire mouth that needs work done, you want to make sure you are doing everything you can to make sure your operation is successful.

Today, your Overland Park, KS dentist writes to you about how best to prepare for your procedure, inside and out. (more…)

Taking On Problems With TMJ Disorder

If you have problems with TMJ disorder, you can have a hard time avoiding the symptoms. Simply moving your jaw to bite, speak, or chew food can trigger discomfort and frustrate you due to feelings of stiffness in your jaw joints. You can also have headaches on a more frequent basis, trouble with neck and shoulder pain, and a tendency to grind or clench your teeth. At our Overland Park, KS dental practice, we are prepared to help patients who are struggling with this issue. By taking on the trouble with your jaw alignment and movement, we can provide relief from pain and help you move on from this frustrating problem! (more…)

Pearly White Diet Maintenance

Yellow OP KSOver the years, your teeth take a lot of damage. The foods we eat can stain them, and we are constantly exposing them to various materials that can cause damage to your enamel. 

Tobacco use is another major cause of tooth discoloration, or drinking coffee or red wine. Or you could be lacking certain vitamins, causing splotches, or places that appear translucent.

Over the course of a lifetime, it can be difficult to maintain a bright, clear smile. Today, your Overland Park, KS dentist explains some common sources of tooth discoloration and how to best protect your smile, both inside and out!


You’re Ignoring Your Flossing!

Floss OP KSIt seems like there is one aspect of home oral health care that every patient dreads: flossing. 

Maybe it’s the time, or any pain with flossing gums that have not been cared for, but people seem particularly averse to keeping to a strict flossing regimen. Today, your Overland Park, KS dentist reiterates how important flossing is as a part of your daily oral health routinedeveloping cavities


Getting Your Teeth Cleaned Is Imperative

Exam OP KSMany people ignore regular teeth cleanings, or maybe they go too long between visits. It can be easy to do, but the care of your trained oral health care professional is vital to the health of your smile.

Your regular daily oral health regimen cannot remove tartar, it must be done at a dental office.

Today, your Overland Park, KS dentist explains the benefit of a routine cleaning. It is more important than you think! (more…)