To Try An Electric Toothbrush…Or To Forget About It?

Should you be rushing out to pick up an electric toothbrush to use as an integral part of your daily dental hygiene, you wonder? Or, is this one of those things you hear about and should forget about because your usual trusty toothbrush is A-OK? Since it’s always reassuring (if not the best choice) to speak with our Overland Park, KS team about such uncertainties, we are thrilled to be of help! Let us cover some of the details regarding why choosing an electric brush for your oral health protection at home is actually completely up to you!


What Your Gums Are Trying To Tell You!

While it’s true (and somewhat unfortunate) that your gum tissue cannot speak to you, sometimes it can “tell” you things when you pay close attention. When you begin noticing any sort of change, whether inflammation or other sudden transformations occur, it’s something that you should certainly consider. Usually, new symptoms mean some gum health problem that should be seen by our Overland Park, KS team. The good news is that we can help you fix it!


You Think It’s Sensitivity, But You Should…

When your tooth’s nerves suddenly feel they’ve been attacked and you feel a quick jolt or intense burst of discomfort, you’re dealing with dental sensitivity. In some cases, you’re someone who may need to be more careful with extremes in temperature and who could certainly benefit from desensitizing toothpaste and that’s about it. However, it’s extremely important that you recognize sensitivity can mean more than that, which means you shouldn’t simply ignore it but you should come in to see our Overland Park, KS team when it happens. Find out why with our help.


Dry Mouth: If You Know These 3 Things, You’re In Good Shape

If you know some basic details about dry mouth, then it’s not really something you need to worry too much about (because it if happens to you, you’ll know just what to do). You may be wondering to yourself, well what is this disorder? Simply put, it’s when your mouth is dry because you aren’t producing enough saliva or what you’re producing is drying up too quickly. Does this really matter, you might also wonder? As a matter of fact, it does! Gain your new, important knowledge from our Overland Park, KS team to keep you and your smile headed in the right direction.


A Few Cosmetic Details That Will Make You Smile

If you’re somewhat new (or even brand new) to the world of cosmetic care for your smile, then you are likely dealing with a mix of emotions. Perhaps you’re experiencing a bit of elation because you know that help is on the horizon for your grin but you’re also experiencing a lot of not-so-comfortable anticipation. You might have just as many worries as you do positive feelings about exploring this field of dental care. Since our goal is always to see you smiling your healthiest, most beautiful grin, our Overland Park, KS team would like to remind you of some lovely details that can help you feel inspired about cosmetic treatments!


Make Sure Your Brush Can Work In Your Favor

If you’re using the wrong type of brush, a brush that’s too worn out, etc., then no matter how much effort you put into your dental hygiene, you’re not going to see the results you want. Of course, this can become extremely frustrating, particularly if you end up seeing problems like cavities when you really have been putting in the time that it takes to care for your smile. Not to worry. Our Overland Park, KS team can easily help you check in on the toothbrush you’ve been using to find out if you’re checking off all the boxes or if, perhaps, you need to make some little changes for big oral health improvements.


Dental Checkups: Some Very Helpful Motivation

You don’t necessarily feel overly excited about scheduling your dental checkup. You know that you should and you could probably come up with several reasons why it’s a good idea. However, that doesn’t always mean you’re going to gather up motivation all on your own as you follow through to contact us, on schedule, so you remain on track with your preventive care. If you’re feeling a bit guilty about this, take a moment to pause as our Overland Park, KS practice offers you some inspiration to make this dental-related area of your life much easier!


Sneaky Things You Should Know About Gingivitis

There are some very obvious things that you may already know about gingivitis. You know it’s not something you want to deal with, you know that it is often associated with symptoms like red and puffy gums, and you know that it is likely if you aren’t taking excellent care of your smile. However, there are also some somewhat sneaky things (those details that are easy to overlook) that can mean serious damage for your gum health! Good news: Our Overland Park, KS team is here to help with gum disease management.


Find Out What Porcelain Veneers Can Do To Improve Your Smile

What kind of changes can you realistically expect when you talk to your dentist about cosmetic dental work? If you are interested in addressing several flawed teeth, and keen to improve on the color of your smile, you may imagine you will need to undergo several dental treatments. Many patients are surprised to learn that porcelain veneers can offer a smile makeover by addressing multiple problems. Your Overland Park, KS dentist’s office can talk to you about using veneers to cover up the issues that currently make you feel uncomfortable with your appearance. With smart care after your procedure is concluded, you can enjoy those results for many years! (more…)