Who Really Needs Preventive Dental Care?

You might have some ideas about preventive dental care that may or may not be accurate. Perhaps you’ve been visiting us and asking questions for quite a while, so you have all of the details about checkups, cleanings, and more all squared away. Or, it’s also possible that you think prevention is for some people but you assume there are certain loopholes that could keep you out of qualifying for our suggestion of two cleanings and checkups per year. Let’s examine some of those facts you need to have all sorted out, so you recognize just how frequently you should be coming in to see our friendly Overland Park, KS team!

Your Kids

You may not realize that your children really do need preventive dental care but it’s a fact. “They have a full set of teeth that will fall out, though!” you might say. Yes, we hear this a lot. However, from the time your child is born, it is extremely important that you maintain prevention both at home (and with us by the time your child is one year of age). This ensures proper development and a full set of healthy permanent teeth.

You Do

Yes, you need preventive dental care, too! Whether you’re in your teens, 20s, you’re in your 90s, you’re over 100, or you’re enjoying any decade in between, you need to protect your smile, as well. We are more than happy to provide you with the dental cleanings and checkups you require, in addition to other preventive treatments. Simply call us up, schedule your care, and make sure that you’re seeing our team twice annually (the same goes for your kiddos).

People With Unhealthy Smiles

If you have an unhealthy smile, you may convince yourself that though you definitely need restorative dental care, you probably don’t need prevention. That’s not true! Even while your smile requires help with particular issues, you still need to keep it as clean as you can. Otherwise, you’ll be compounding one problem with the onset of others.

People With Healthy Smiles

Our team knows that you may think that your very healthy smile is not going to need any extra help until it is unhealthy. However, what you want is to keep it healthy with preventive dental care. Come see us no matter what!

Come On In For Consistent Preventive Dental Care

When you are dedicated to the preventive dentistry suggestions we present to you, your oral health becomes something that remains right on target. We can help you get your oral health in good shape when you schedule an examination. Call Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, today at 913-381-2600.