Porcelain Veneers: Is This Cosmetic Treatment Right For You?

Overland Park, KS, dentist offers porcelain veneers and other cosmetic options

Making improvements to your smile can be an investment, so it’s important that you choose the best option for your needs. Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, offers several cosmetic methods that patients can choose from. These may include professional whitening to help rid of stains or Invisalign to invisibly correct your smile. We also offer porcelain veneers, which are a helpful option for patients who want to address several needs at once. Today, we’re here with three reasons to choose this option.


Correct Your Smile Discreetly

Overland Park, KS, dentist offers invisalign

Recently, we have discussed cosmetic treatments that can improve your appearance. While these can be helpful, they may not be able to address alignment issues. Having crooked teeth or gaps between them could cause you to feel self-conscious. If you are interested in addressing these concerns, Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, offers Invisalign. This orthodontic method allows you to straighten your grin with clear trays that are nearly invisible to others.

Read more: Correct Your Smile Discreetly

The Benefits Of This Method

Every patient is different, and the way you choose to straighten your pearly whites will depend on your personal needs and preferences. Invisalign may offer some advantages over other options like metal braces. First, this option is more discreet. Adults looking to correct their grins may find this more convenient. The clear trays are also removable, which patients may find more comfortable. You will wear them for the majority of the day, taking them out only during meals or when doing your oral hygiene. This means you can continue eating your favorite foods and may have an easier time brushing and flossing than you would with other options. Our discreet option also takes about the same amount of time as others.

Aligning Your Teeth Can Improve Your Oral Health

There are other benefits of this cosmetic option besides enhancing your appearance. Having properly adjusted teeth can improve your oral health. If your teeth are overcrowded, it can be difficult to thoroughly brush and floss. When they sit in the correct position, it can be easier to do your oral hygiene, thus reducing the chances of developing cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems. It can also help improve malocclusion, which may be able to help you stop grinding your teeth.

Find Out If This Is Right For You

Before starting this treatment, you will need to have a consultation with your dentist. Invisalign can correct a variety of problems. However, if your alignment problems are more severe, traditional orthodontic methods may be needed instead. This method is reserved for older teenage or adult patients because you will need to be mature enough to take care of your aligners. Your dentist will take an impression of your oral cavity to create the trays. This impression can also be used to estimate the time it will take to adjust your teeth. In many cases, patients can see a difference in about one to three years. One helpful advantage of this method is that if you have special events during this time, you will not need to worry about metal braces disrupting your appearance.

Talk To Our Team Today

If you are interested in this treatment, call Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, today at 913-381-2600.

A Minimally Invasive Way To Improve Your Grin

Overland Park, KS dentist offers cosmetic bonding and contouring services

In our last blog, we discussed how a professional teeth whitening treatment can eliminate stains on your tooth’s surface and leave you with a brighter smile. This is a great option for patients with external discoloration. However, if these blemishes occur below the surface, alternative options like bonding may be recommended instead.  Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, offers this conservative treatment to boost the appearance of your pearly whites.

Read more: A Minimally Invasive Way To Improve Your Grin

Who Could Benefit From Bonding?

Cosmetic bonding is the process of adding composite resin to areas of imperfection throughout your smile. This treatment is non-invasive and can take just a single appointment. Your dentist may recommend this option if your teeth do not respond to professional teeth whitening. Some types of discoloration may occur below your enamel, which the bleaching agent cannot reach. Cosmetic bonding can help you achieve an even-appearing smile by disguising minor chips and cracks or covering blemishes.

Before having this done, you will need to have a consultation with your dentist to ensure that the intrinsic discoloration has not been caused by damage or an infection. If that is the root of the cause, restorations will need to be done first. However, internal stains may also be caused by genetics or non-threatening problems. In this case, you will be able to move forward with this improvement.

Pair Contouring For Dramatic Results

For a full smile transformation, you can pair bonding with contouring. This process allows the dentist to reshape your teeth if they are jagged, overlapped, or crooked. Contouring is a great option for patients dealing with slightly asymmetrical smiles. Patients with more severe overlapping or crowding problems may be recommended an alternative, such as orthodontic treatments, instead. Reshaping only removes a small amount of your natural tooth and should not cause discomfort. Sedation options may be available for your comfort.

We Also Offer Gum Contouring

Your smile may appear uneven due to having an uneven gumline. This can be corrected with gum contouring. First, you will need to have a consultation with your dentist. You must have healthy gingival tissue before going through this process. If there are any signs of gingivitis, periodontal cleanings will need to be performed first.

Gum contouring will be performed using laser treatment. A light beam will be used to sculpt the tissue or remove excess amounts. Using a laser allows this treatment to be more efficient and more comfortable. You may experience some sensitivity after your appointment, but this should go down within a few days. Remember to continue your oral hygiene routine gently, avoid foods that could irritate the area, and take pain-reducers as necessary.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

You can Call Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, today at 913-381-2600 to schedule a cosmetic treatment.

Refresh Your Smile With Professional Teeth Whitening

Overland Park, KS, dentist offers professional teeth whitening services

Are your pearly whites looking dull or yellow? This may happen over time due to the beverages and foods that we consume. While having a discolored smile may not necessarily mean your oral health is poor, it can look unappealing and lower your confidence. Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, offers professional teeth whitening that can be done at home or in our office and can bring back vibrancy to your appearance.

Read more: Refresh Your Smile With Professional Teeth Whitening

Achieve This Safely At Home

Before reaching for the store-bought kits you can purchase, you may want to consult with your dentist. Some of these generic supplies can contain harsh ingredients that can harm your smile. Instead, your dentist can examine your pearly whites and create a personalized whitening set that can be used at home. A custom tray will be made based on the measurements of your oral cavity. You will apply the bleaching agent to these trays every day for about two weeks, as determined by your dentist. Then, you can show off your stunning results. This is a great option for patients who have a longer time before their upcoming special event.

See Rapid Results With Our In-Office Option

Do you need this done in less time? We also offer expedited treatment that can be done in our office. During your appointment, the bleaching agent will be applied to your teeth and activated with a light. This visit will take about an hour and can leave you with a vibrant smile. This option is great for patients who would like to improve the look of their pearly whites with less time. Before having this done, you will need to discuss this treatment with your dentist to ensure it is the right option for your needs.

If This Whitening Treatment Does Not Work

A professional brightening treatment is great for patients who have stains on their teeth due to external factors, such as coffee or soda consumption. For patients whose discoloration occurs internally, other cosmetic treatments may be necessary. This intrinsic staining may happen due to genetics, changes in health, or injury to the area. If the discoloration has happened due to trauma, restorations may need to be done first to ensure your teeth are healthy. After the problem has been repaired, you can discuss visual improvements that can be made.

One helpful way to improve the look of these blemishes is through cosmetic bonding. Your dentist can add composite resin to areas that are discolored or chipped. This can help you achieve an even-appearing grin in just a single appointment. You can also pair this with contouring to improve jagged or uneven-sized teeth.

Learn More About Your Options

You can Call Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, today at 913-381-2600 to schedule a cosmetic treatment.

Helping You Manage Gum Disease

OVerland PArk, KS offers periodontal care

Poor oral hygiene and other risk factors may put you at risk of periodontitis. If you have gum disease, it is important to stay on top of your treatment plan so that the problem does not worsen. Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, offers scaling and root planing services that help you manage periodontal disease. In today’s blog, we will be exploring what these treatments entail and why they help maintain your symptoms.

Read more: Helping You Manage Gum Disease

Symptoms That You Have Gingivitis

The first stage of periodontal disease is gingivitis. During this phase, you may notice that your oral tissue is swollen or more red. You may also bleed when you try to floss. In some cases, bleeding while you floss may not mean that you have gingivitis. It could just be a sign that you need to floss more often. However, if it causes you discomfort, it may be due to gingivitis. If caught and treated in this stage, periodontal disease can be reversed. However, if left ignored, this initial phase can progress into more advanced stages. As the condition worsens, you may notice that you have persistently bad-smelling breath, loose-feeling teeth, and swollen gums.

What To Do If You Have Periodontal Disease

Twice a year, you should be going to your dentist for a cleaning and examination. During this time, they will examine your oral cavity and check for common problems, such as gum disease. If you have signs of this problem, the dentist may put you on a treatment plan that includes deep cleanings. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may need several of these each year to maintain your symptoms.

Periodontal cleanings are more extensive than the ones done during your checkup. They include scaling and root planing, which help remove plaque buildup from below your tissue line. The tissue will also be smoothed to help them reattach to the root of your tooth. If you do not undergo treatment, you may be at risk of losing your teeth and many other health concerns may follow.

Prevention Is Key

Periodontal disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. However, it can be prevented in many cases. Some risk factors can increase your likelihood of developing this problem. These may include smoking tobacco, stress, autoimmune disease, and of course, poor oral hygiene. To reduce your chances of developing gingivitis, make sure to take proper steps to care for your oral health. Brush and floss twice a day, see your dentist twice a year and try to cut out or reduce bad lifestyle and diet choices.

Schedule A Deep Cleaning Today

Call Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, today at 913-381-2600 to schedule a periodontal service.

Taking Care Of Your Smile At Home

Overland Park, KS dentist offers preventive treatment like cleanings and exams

While seeing your dentist biannually is an important preventive measure, you should also be practicing oral hygiene at home. Brushing and flossing twice a day can reduce your risk of cavities, gum disease, and more. Today, your Overland Park, KS, dental team is here with helpful advice to make sure you are practicing proper prevention at home.

Read more: Taking Care Of Your Smile At Home

Hygiene In The Morning And A Night

Have you ever wondered why you are supposed to brush your teeth at least twice a day? This motion helps remove food and drink particles that can turn into plaque. In the morning, you should do this to get rid of any film that may have developed overnight. Before bed, you should also do this to remove bacteria that accumulate throughout the day. If you are a frequent snacker, you may need to brush more often to prevent plaque buildup. Do not forget to also brush your tongue, as this organ can hold onto bacteria and cause bad breath.

The Importance Of Flossing

You should also be threading between your teeth each day with floss. This important step of your oral hygiene routine helps care for your gums. If you neglect this part of your routine, you may notice that your gums become swollen or irritated. This may be a sign of periodontal disease. The initial stage of this can be treated and reversed, but more progressive forms can only be managed with deep cleanings.

Toothbrush bristles alone may not be able to reach every surface of your mouth. To help remove food particles from hard-to-reach areas, use dental floss daily. String floss is said to be the most effective, but picks can work for patients with braces. If you struggle with these, a water pick may be helpful as well.

Do Not Forget Your Cleaning And Examination

Dental checkups help keep your smile healthy and detect problems early. During your appointment, the hygienist will remove plaque and polish your teeth. This helps decrease the chances of developing tooth decay or periodontal disease. They will also examine your teeth, gums, and tongue to make sure there are no areas of concern. X-rays may be used to take a closer look as well. If any potential problems are recognized, your dentist will discuss a helpful treatment plan.

Cavities are a common problem that patients face. We can treat decay with a filling. This will restore the area and prevent the cavity from further deteriorating the area. If decay is ignored, it could damage the pulp of the tooth and require a more invasive treatment.

Come In For A Checkup

If it has been longer than six months since your last dentist visit, it is time to schedule an appointment. Call Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, today at 913-381-2600.

Do You Need A Tooth Extracted?

Overland Park, KS dentist offers tooth extractions when necessary

In a recent blog, we discussed how CEREC crowns can repair your pearly whites after injury. This protects your teeth from further damage and risk of infection. If your smile has been harmed after an accident or health condition, your dentist will do their best to restore the tooth and keep the natural one. However, if the area cannot be treated, sometimes the best option is to extract it. In today’s blog, Family First Dental in Overland Parks, KS, is here to discuss what to expect when getting one of your pearly whites removed.

Read more: Do You Need A Tooth Extracted?

When Is This Necessary

As mentioned above, your dentist will do their best to treat a tooth instead of removing it. There are some cases where extraction is the best option. If it is impacted or severely damaged, the most effective way to prevent discomfort and infection is to take it out. An impacted tooth means that it does not fully erupt. This often happens when your third molars begin to grow. Or if you have severe overcrowding issues, one of your pearly whites may be removed to efficiently straighten your smile. Severely decayed teeth may also be removed. Although root canal therapy can treat a deep cavity, if the condition of the tooth is poor, it may be removed.

During The Removal

First, the area will be thoroughly examined. X-rays may be taken beforehand to have a closer look at the damage. Then, the local area will be numbed for your comfort. If you are having a more extensive removal, such as several wisdom teeth being removed, a stronger form of sedation may be prescribed. An incision will be made, and the tooth will be gently extracted. The area will then be stitched, and gauze may be placed to reduce the bleeding. Be sure to have a friend or family member drive you home after your appointment.

After Your Extraction

Your aftercare instructions may vary depending on how many teeth have been removed. In general, you should avoid eating hard foods, drinking through straws, and consuming tobacco, as this can cause dry sockets. While you recover, you may experience some sensitivity in the area. Take painkillers as advised and call your dentist if you have any questions or concerns.

Once the area is healed, you can talk to your dentist about prosthetic replacement options. In some cases, removal is done to align teeth and the gap may not be noticed. However, if it is in a visible area of your smile, there may be an option of replacing it.

Schedule An Appointment Today

If you have been told you need a tooth removed, do not wait to schedule this treatment. Call Family First Dental in Overland Parks, KS, today at 913-381-2600.

Same-Day Crowns with CEREC

busy mom overland park ks

Dental crowns have long been a staple in restorative dentistry, offering a solution for damaged or weakened teeth. Traditional crowns, however, often required multiple appointments and the inconvenience of temporary crowns while waiting for the permanent one. Enter CEREC crowns – a cutting-edge advancement that has revolutionized the crown placement process. In today’s blog, your Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS will explore when a crown is necessary and the benefits of a same-day crown.


Snoring Could Signal Health Risks

snoring couple

Snoring is often dismissed as a harmless nighttime noise, but for some, it may be a red flag indicating a potentially serious condition known as sleep apnea. Understanding the link between snoring and sleep apnea is crucial, as this sleep disorder can lead to various dangerous health conditions. Your Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS will delve into the connection and the potential risks associated with untreated obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).


Other Company Left You Behind? Invisalign® Can Help

Are you scrambling to find a solution for your smile? Recently, one of the most popular mail order orthodontic companies declared bankruptcy, leaving many to wonder where their next phase of treatment will come from. This is a stressful situation for anyone involved, but thankfully, there is an answer. With clear aligner treatment from Invisalign®, you have the opportunity to continue your orthodontic treatment.

If you have been left behind by this mail order company, talk to Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS about your options in orthodontic treatment. This way, you can continue your care with a trusted provider and a reliable clear aligner business. Invisalign® uses advanced technology to bring you a more private solution for your orthodontic treatment, so if you are new to this process, reach out to learn more. No matter what stage of your alignment journey you currently find yourself, our team is here to help you to achieve a better smile!
