Smile Care: When Avoiding Sugar Isn’t Working So Well

One of your main goals in life, of course, is doing all that you can to keep your smile in wonderful condition. Amongst other commonly revered and significant factors (such as brushing, flossing, and setting up visits with us) is the fact that you have always known sugar is somewhat of an enemy of your oral health! As a result, you may put forth some serious effort in an attempt to limit the amount you consume. However, this delicious ingredient can cause this otherwise seemingly easy choice to prove challenging. How to feel more successful without striving for unrealistic goals, you wonder? No problem! Our Overland Park, KS team has the suggestions you need.


4 Times To Throw Away Your Toothbrush ASAP

Do you remember the last time you threw away your toothbrush and started fresh with a new one? Are you drawing a blank? Perhaps you’re even slinking away because, as far as you knew, you were supposed to just keep one brush around for as long as possible! Remember, it’s perfectly okay to learn thing about your oral health and dental hygiene as you go along (assuming you put those new morsels of information to good use, once you learn them!). Gather up a few reasons from our Overland Park, KS team, so you can quickly say goodbye to your brush and welcome a new one in, so you’re always on track.


Aggressive Smile Care: Good Or Bad For Your Smile?

What could possibly be wrong with practicing aggressive smile care, you might wonder? After all, when you want to get something clean, isn’t it best to put all that you’ve got into getting the job done? Well, the answer here is that in terms of effort, yes, you should really go all out! However, in terms of the amount of muscle you place behind your approach to dental hygiene, it’s actually a bit counterintuitive. You need to be gentle with your every action, which generally includes the way you brush and floss your teeth. If you’re feeling curious about how this could be, our Overland Park, KS team can help with straightforward details!


4 Things To Always Remember: About Your Tongue! 

Did you know that along with the other parts of your smile, as you’re striving to keep your smile health in exceptional condition, you should keep your tongue in mind along the way? If you’re shrugging your shoulders because this is truly something you’ve been overlooking, then remember: It’s never too late to add new knowledge to your already significant collection of important smile-related facts that help you keep your grin safe and sound! Make sure you’re confident about this area of oral health care by considering our Overland Park, KS team’s suggestions for things you should always remember.


4 Things To Change In Your Dental Hygiene Collection 

If you have a dental hygiene collection that is working wonders to the point that it almost seems magical, our Overland Park, KS team is guessing you’re in good shape. When what you’re doing to protect your oral health is working, there’s not really a pressing need to fix it! However, if you would report that your collection is probably just “okay” but certainly not currently existing within the world of “excellent,” it may be time to make a change here or there. By making even a single alteration to your daily approach to brushing and flossing, you can enjoy a much easier and more successful experience with smile protection!


Cosmetic Concerns: How Do I Move Forward?

Your desire to feel much happier with the way your smile looks when you catch a glimpse of it in the mirror? This is something you feel completely certain about. What you want, of course, is to figure out how to make this a reality and, though you know we offer cosmetic dentistry, you may feel not-so-certain about how to move forward with this esthetically powerful area of care. So, what to do next, you think to yourself? Though it may seem like brand new territory at the outset, our Overland Park, KS team is happy to let you know that getting started (and following through) is actually simple!


3 Ways You’re Experiencing Smile Balance Issues 

You might not spend a lot of time thinking about the balance of your smile. That is, until you realize you are having trouble chewing or even leaving your smile at rest because things don’t feel like they’re fitting together correctly. Then, there’s the fact that you may develop bruxism or TMJ disorder, only to discover that your lack of balance between top and bottom teeth can most certainly contribute to these functional disorders. Curious about improvements you may need to make, so your smile is balanced and healthy? Our Overland Park, KS practice can fill you in!


Identify What You Like Least About Dental Hygiene (And Then…)

When you aren’t too thrilled with dental hygiene, we know that the easiest thing to do is to give into your immediate emotions, announce to yourself that you don’t really enjoy it, and start to avoid it. However, our Overland Park, KS team reminds you that the best thing you can do instead is to realize that you are probably okay with the majority of this aspect of preventive care. In reality, there may be a few things you like least about it, which is what’s essentially “poisoning the well,” so to speak. By addressing those details that are making you find brushing and flossing to be a terrible chore, you can quickly turn things around for the better!


Why Change Over To Implant Support?

You may wonder: Why do you hear little mentions here and there about switching from traditionally supported prosthetics to those offered support by dental implants? Is there really a reason to take the time to consider a new device to complete your smile? Well, for some, sticking with the traditional approach is perfectly wonderful! However, our Overland Park, KS team reminds you that if you’re dealing with problems that you simply assumed you had to learn to “live with,” then implants might be your key to improvement. Learn more!


3 Ways to Increase Your Risks of Gum Disease

How you care for your smile every day plays a big role in the long-term state of your oral health. For example, the most common dental health conditions – tooth decay and gum disease – are also the easiest to prevent, but it takes consistently good hygiene every day and preventive care from your dentist. Slacking in your routine even once can make it possible for either to develop, and in the case of gum disease, that development often leads to the loss of one or more teeth. At our Overland Park, KS, dental office, we can help you improve your chances of avoiding gum disease by helping you recognize your biggest risks for developing it. (more…)