What Matters Most When You Need Tooth Extraction

The fact that you need tooth extraction can seem like the most important thing about your current dental health in and of itself. The procedure involves removing a natural tooth, which is usually the opposite of what your dental health care focuses on. However, when it becomes necessary, there are many different things to consider about tooth extraction and what it means for your oral health. Today, we examine some of the things that matter most when it comes to your tooth extraction procedure.

The time it takes you to seek treatment

As mentioned above, tooth extraction involves removing a tooth from your upper or lower dental ridge, which is why it’s only reserved for extreme cases in which a tooth can’t be saved. While waiting can be harmful in most cases of dental health issues, the result is usually the need for more extensive treatment. However, because tooth extraction is the last resort in most cases, waiting any longer can be especially disastrous to the state of your oral health, tissues, structures, and remaining healthy teeth. If your dentist recommends tooth extraction, then it’s important to schedule your procedure as soon as possible to avoid any further complications.

The reason why you need to extract it

Depending on the reason why you need tooth extraction, the removal of your tooth may be all that’s required to restore your good oral health. For instance, if you have an impacted wisdom tooth and remove it before it causes any collateral damage, then the rest of your oral health should be fine. However, if you have to extract a tooth because it’s lost support due to gum disease, which is the most common cause of tooth loss, then tooth extraction may just be one part of your overall treatment plan. You may also need to address the underlying issue to stop it from raising your risks of losing even more teeth.

The choices you make for your smile afterward

Because losing or extracting a tooth is permanent, the procedure can leave your smile and bite with a void that still needs to be filled. In many cases, the most beneficial solution is to replace the extracted tooth with a dental implant and crown, which replaces the root of the tooth within your jawbone as well as the visible portion of it that rests above your gums.

Save your smile with tooth extraction

If you need tooth extraction, then seeking treatment as soon as possible could be vital to the future of your smile. To learn more, schedule your consultation by calling Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, today at 913-381-2600.