Have you started to see that your teeth are growing duller or yellowed? If you have started to notice a change to the quality of your smile, take the time to speak with a trusted dental professional about what is happening. You may have a buildup of stains from the things that you eat and drink on a daily basis. These stains can be difficult to remove on your own, so take the time to meet with your dentist to learn about your options in teeth whitening treatment.
With our team of cosmetic dental experts at Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, you have two powerful methods of improving the shade of your smile. Set aside some time to talk with Dr. Cook about the changes that you have seen, and learn more about your condition. Those over-the-counter products may be ineffective at whitening your teeth, so before you reach for them, meet with a dentist for a cleaning and examination. Make the effort to keep your oral health front and center during your teeth whitening process!
Start Your Cosmetic Improvement With A Cleaning And Examination
When you decide that enough is enough and it is time for a brighter smile, take the time to meet with your dentist. While there are now many options available at your local supermarket or drugstore, these do not include the experience and training of an oral health provider. This means that these forms of treatment may be ineffective at whitening your teeth.
Overbleaching can lead to dentin sensitivity, which is a lasting concern. By working alongside your dentist in lifting the shade of your smile, you have the opportunity to keep the health of your enamel in mind during your treatment. Take the time to talk to your dentist about your smile before you reach for a supermarket solution.
Our Office Gives You Options In Teeth Whitening Treatment
After your dentist gives you a diagnosis, it is time to talk about your choices in care. If enamel stains are the cause of your discoloration, we have two available forms of teeth whitening, depending on your level of comfort and your timeline. For some, a simple at-home whitening solution fits the bill, giving them the opportunity to lighten their smile alongside their nightly brushing and flossing. If you have a special day coming up and need to see an improvement in a hurry, ask our team about a single visit to the office to lift those stubborn stains!
Brighten Your Smile With Family First Dental
When you need to see a whiter smile in the mirror, talk to a trusted dental health professional about ways to safely whiten your teeth. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, call us today at Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS at (913)381-2600!