Your Oral Health Impacts Your Heart

Heart Overland Park KSSometimes, people view their dental health as primarily cosmetic. Certainly, a perfect, pretty smile would be fantastic. But if it’s not perfect, that’s alright (in their mind).

If they are able to hide a problem, then maybe it doesn’t matter. They do this with a different smile or a different manner of speech. And some others think that the health of the mouth is localized. They think that oral health only affects the mouth, or maybe the head, as well.

But your teeth play a significant role in how healthy your heart can be, as well. Today, your Overland Park, KS dentist discusses how the two are connected, and how science is finding new ties everyday.

What Harm Impacts Both?

Your likelihood of having a heart attack lowers significantly when your teeth are maintained. This is due to a variety of issues. A proper oral health regimen can benefit the whole of heart health, a robust treatment that doesn’t take much time at all!

Periodontal disease, the infection of the gums, is directly tied to the development of heart disease. This is an area that has shown time and again the link between the heart and the mouth.

The mouth relies on blood more than almost anywhere else in the body. With a lack of circulation, or circulatory issues, the mouth can be both a symptom of the heart, or the cause of heart health problems.

Patients with circulatory health concerns, such as diabetic patients, can see change in the health of their gums depending on the state of their health. Diabetics in particular see a significant benefit from maintaining their oral health. Cardiovascular disease rates plummet, and your likelihood of tooth loss due to tooth decay lower immensely.

What’s My Best Course Of Action?

The primary thing that you can do is to follow the rules given to you by your dentist on daily oral care. A rigorous routine that is maintained consistently every day and night is your best and safest bet in keeping your mouth clean, safe, and healthy.

This means twice-daily brushing of teeth, as well as daily flossing. I know that it’s easy to put aside, but it really does make a difference. You can truly feel it, as well. We suggest any over-the-counter oral rinse, unless your dentist has placed you on a special (sometimes prescription) rinse. The biggest thing is rigor and consistency.

Find Out More!

There are many ways that your oral and cardiac health interconnect, and we are learning more each day. For more information, schedule your consultation by calling Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, today at 913-381-2600.