It goes without saying that for most individuals, the largest threat to the quality and function of their smiles involves trouble brought on by harmful bacteria, more specifically decay and infection. While this is considered the norm, there exists a population of individuals that experience a much bigger threat – that of sleep apnea and its impact on their health. In today’s blog, your Overland Park, KS dentist will take a look at the effects of sleep apnea and what we can do to treat the disorder.
It Could Be a Bigger Issue
The concept of getting a sub-par night’s rest is far from a new notion, and many individuals experience a restless night. When you awaken feeling exhausted despite having a complete night’s rest, however, it may be time to consider the possibility of a bigger issue at hand. One phenomenon that most do not think to connect t oral health includes obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which consists of periodic rousing throughout the night due to relaxed throat muscles making it difficult to breathe. Essentially, the throat muscles relax, restricting proper airflow throughout the body. The brain detects an issue, and briefly rouses you to correct it. The major problem, however, is that this functions as a cycle, continuously rousing you just for the muscles to relax again, resulting in chronic snoring and periodic episodes of stopping then starting breathing. For more information about this process, contact our team today.
Other Possible Symptoms
Because OSA impacts the quality of your sleep, you can expect to endure a number of side effects as well. This can include insomnia at night, hypersomnia during the day, daytime fatigue, irritability, difficulty focusing or paying attention, waking with a dry mouth or headache, and much more. Indeed, OSA can become a major concern that impacts your day-to-day function, and without proper treatment, your condition will absolutely get worse as time goes by. If you suspect you are experiencing this phenomenon, contact Dr. Cook in order to learn about your options and how a custom appliance can be created to assist.
Future Complications
In addition to the side effects, future complications can arise from OSA that affect your physical health. For instance, chronic sleep apnea has been linked to heart complications down the line, complications with surgeries and medications, liver problems, and much more. Your health is a top priority, and understanding the intricacies in how OSA and your health are related is a must to ensure you are taken care of and in tip-top safety.
Schedule Your Visit Today
For more information about our custom appliances or how we can help alleviate your OSA, contact Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS by calling 913-381-2600 to schedule your initial appointment with us today.