How Do We Save A Tooth With Root Canal Therapy?

root canal treatmentWhen a tooth has a cavity, we place a filling, or maybe a crown. But what if a tooth develops a serious infection? We may need more than a restoration. Fortunately, your Overland Park, KS, dentist can help preserve the tooth and protect your overall oral health with root canal therapy. In today’s blog, we’re going to explain what happens when someone receives a root canal.

The Causes of an Infected Tooth

An infected tooth could lead to tooth loss unless addressed in a timely manner. Symptoms include tooth sensitivity and toothaches, pain when you bite down and chew, headaches, jaw pain, swelling near the aching tooth, or a discharge from it. The infection happens when bacteria reaches the inner pulp, your tooth’s nerve center that oversees the flow and blood and nutrients to and from the tooth. An injury to the tooth, or an untreated cavity, could lead to the bacteria reaching the inner pulp. If you experience these symptoms, or if a tooth sustains an injury, please let us know as soon as possible.

The Root Canal Process

The doctor begins by using detailed imaging technology to identify the decayed or infected portions of your tooth with precision and accuracy. Next, our team administers a local anesthetic to ensure you remain comfortable. We then open the tooth and remove the infected tissues from within. Next, we add a restorative filling and then cap the tooth with a crown. The crown not only protects the remaining structure from decay and infection, but also offers a lifelike appearance that blends with your smile. The process helps prevent the loss of your tooth or the spread of infection to surrounding teeth.

Keeping Smiles Strong from Home

You can help protect your smile from the onset of a cavity or infection with routine care each day. You should start the day by brushing your teeth or two minutes, and then do it again before bed. Each session should last about two minutes and involve using a fluoride toothpaste. You also need to floss each night before bed, which removes the bits of food a toothbrush may not be able to. We also suggest cutting back on consuming sugary foods and drinks, as this deprives bacteria of the fuel they need to create plaque and weaken tooth enamel. If you have any questions, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Restorative Dentistry?

An endodontic treatment enables our team to repair and restore teeth suffering from infections. To learn more about improving the health and function of your smile with restorative care, then schedule your consultation by calling Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, today at 913-381-2600.