When You’re Most At-Risk for Gum Disease

Gum disease is one of the most frequently diagnosed oral health issues, and for people who allow it to become severe, it’s also one of the biggest risks for tooth loss. However, not having gum disease doesn’t mean you won’t lose a tooth, and having it doesn’t necessarily mean you will. At our Overland Park, KS, dental office, we can help you identify your specific high risks for gum disease and control them to preserve and protect your smile more successfully. If you already have the beginning stags of the disease, that may include undergoing deep periodontal cleaning and maintenance.

When your hygiene has been lacking

Your dental hygiene routine is your most important defense against things like gum disease development. Consequently, it can also become your biggest vulnerability if you don’t keep up with it consistently. The oral bacteria that lead to gum disease are also the ones that form dental plaque along your gum line every day. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing at least once, especially where your gums meet them, is the most important way to control this bacteria buildup. It’s also the most important way to control your risks of developing gum disease and needing more extensive treatment.

When you smoke or chew tobacco

Some habits like chewing or smoking tobacco are almost guaranteed to promote gum disease development due to the many different chemicals and toxins it contains. The majority of tobacco users experience gum disease, usually to its severe stages, as well as other serious chronic oral health concerns. If you engage in the habit, then we strongly advise quitting as soon as possible to preserve your oral and overall health.

When your gums start to recede

When your gum tissues start to recede from your tooth structure, it might be a sign that gum disease has already developed. The recession may be a sign that it’s progressing enough to cause damage to the tissues. Or, it may be an indication of something else, but can significantly heighten your risks of developing gum disease due to the pockets it creates between your gums and teeth. If you notice signs of gum recession, it’s important to schedule a visit with your dentist as soon as possible to determine if you should treat your gums for disease.

Learn if your at-risk for gum disease

Everyone’s risks for gum disease are different, which is why it’s especially important to work with your dentist to keep a close eye on yours. To learn more, schedule your consultation by calling Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, today at 913-381-2600.