In our last blog, we discussed how a professional teeth whitening treatment can eliminate stains on your tooth’s surface and leave you with a brighter smile. This is a great option for patients with external discoloration. However, if these blemishes occur below the surface, alternative options like bonding may be recommended instead. Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, offers this conservative treatment to boost the appearance of your pearly whites.
Read more: A Minimally Invasive Way To Improve Your GrinWho Could Benefit From Bonding?
Cosmetic bonding is the process of adding composite resin to areas of imperfection throughout your smile. This treatment is non-invasive and can take just a single appointment. Your dentist may recommend this option if your teeth do not respond to professional teeth whitening. Some types of discoloration may occur below your enamel, which the bleaching agent cannot reach. Cosmetic bonding can help you achieve an even-appearing smile by disguising minor chips and cracks or covering blemishes.
Before having this done, you will need to have a consultation with your dentist to ensure that the intrinsic discoloration has not been caused by damage or an infection. If that is the root of the cause, restorations will need to be done first. However, internal stains may also be caused by genetics or non-threatening problems. In this case, you will be able to move forward with this improvement.
Pair Contouring For Dramatic Results
For a full smile transformation, you can pair bonding with contouring. This process allows the dentist to reshape your teeth if they are jagged, overlapped, or crooked. Contouring is a great option for patients dealing with slightly asymmetrical smiles. Patients with more severe overlapping or crowding problems may be recommended an alternative, such as orthodontic treatments, instead. Reshaping only removes a small amount of your natural tooth and should not cause discomfort. Sedation options may be available for your comfort.
We Also Offer Gum Contouring
Your smile may appear uneven due to having an uneven gumline. This can be corrected with gum contouring. First, you will need to have a consultation with your dentist. You must have healthy gingival tissue before going through this process. If there are any signs of gingivitis, periodontal cleanings will need to be performed first.
Gum contouring will be performed using laser treatment. A light beam will be used to sculpt the tissue or remove excess amounts. Using a laser allows this treatment to be more efficient and more comfortable. You may experience some sensitivity after your appointment, but this should go down within a few days. Remember to continue your oral hygiene routine gently, avoid foods that could irritate the area, and take pain-reducers as necessary.
Schedule Your Appointment Today
You can Call Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, today at 913-381-2600 to schedule a cosmetic treatment.