Why You Need Restorative Dentistry

Dental caries. Filling with dental composite photopolymer material using Rubber Dam. The concept of dental treatment in a dental clinicTaking care of your smile involves much more than just brushing your teeth. Indeed, you must pay mind to address surface-level chips and cracks, as well as major issues such as infected teeth roots and lost teeth. While preventive dentistry serves an important role in strengthening your teeth to fend off the countless outside threats your smile faces daily, sometimes prevention may fall short. In today’s blog, your Overland Park, KS dentist takes a look at the need for dental restorations, and how restorative treatment can preserve your natural teeth.

Part of the Process

It goes without saying that dental prevention is the number one way to extend the lifespan of your smile. Indeed, brushing your teeth is a necessary step, but it is not the only thing you can do for your health. In fact, a well-rounded routine consists of brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing at least once a day, paying mind to the negative influences certain foods have on your teeth, and attending routine checkups and cleanings.

While prevention is considered well-rounded in that it takes all aspects of your oral health into consideration, it is not necessarily able to prevent every issue from occurring. Indeed, falling short on any one area of prevention is just enough to open the door to a slew of complications down the line. What’s more? Physical injuries and accidents cannot be predicted and can range anywhere from surface-level chips and cracks to serious infection and tooth loss.

Because it is impossible to account for all possibilities, a backup plan is needed to ensure your smile’s protection. Fortunately, that is where restorative dentistry comes in. For more information about this process, reach out to our team today.

Improving Oral Function

Restorative dentistry is the name given to treatment that aims to mitigate damage, remove infection, or some combination in order to preserve your natural teeth. In addition to addressing infection and injury, restorative dentistry can help improve your oral function.

You see, each one of your teeth absorbs an even distribution of your bite’s pressure. This means that when a single structure is gone, the rest of your smile must accommodate for the gap. With the help of advanced dental technology and equipment, you can enjoy a full and complete grin once more with lifelike results.

Saving Your Smile

The last thing we want is for you to lose a natural tooth. As such, we are committed to providing quality restorative care that can address a number of complications. Depending on your level of concern, we will offer the best course of action that restores your smile and function.

Schedule Your Visit

Contact Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS by calling 913-381-2600 to schedule your next appointment with our team and learn more about the benefits of dental restorations today.