Taking Care of Younger Smiles

382923Advances in dental technology make saving infected teeth much more straightforward and successful. Indeed, with what seems like a billion complications threatening the integrity of our teeth at any given time, restorative procedures such as root canals, composite fillings, and more make maintaining a lifelong smile more likely. Still, there is nothing more effective than practicing excellent preventive care, and the earlier you start, the better. In today’s blog, your Overland Park, KS dentist emphasizes the importance of taking care of developing smiles, and how additional treatment can add a much-needed boost of strength.

Never too Early to Start

Making sure your grin is in tip-top condition is a lifetime endeavor and one that includes a number of different working parts. For instance, an excellent preventive routine consists of a healthy balance between at-home care such as flossing and brushing, in-office treatment through checkups and cleanings, and also paying mind to the negative effect some foods and beverages have on your teeth.

Indeed, preventive care is much more involved than one might think, and the earlier you start, the better protected your grin will be. This is also true of children’s smiles, which need just as much love and care as adult grins, if not more. Because of this, our team encourages you to bring your child in at the sight of his or her first tooth or by his or her first birthday, whichever comes first. Then at age three, we will begin to see your child regularly every six months to monitor proper development and health. For more information about this process, reach out to our team today.

The health of Developing Smiles

Ensuring your child’s health means taking the time to teach them excellent habits at home. This involves the importance of brushing their teeth properly at least twice a day. What’s more, periodontal or gum health is just as important, and encouraging your little one to floss after every meal is beneficial in preventing gum complications from developing down the line.

It is one thing to teach your children about preventive care, but it is a different experience when you encourage them to become excited about their health. Reach out to our team to learn more.

Treatment for a Boost of Strength

In addition to the thorough examination and gentle cleaning your child’s checkup provides, our team may also be able to provide additional treatment to add a boost of strength in protection. This can include either a fluoride treatment to strengthen enamel, or a dental sealant to prevent oral bacteria from nestling in the cracks of the back molars.

Schedule Your Next Appointment

Contact Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS by calling 913-381-2600 to learn more about the importance of preventive care, or to schedule your family’s next visit with our team today.