Your Quick Review: Stopping Tooth Decay In Its Tracks

You don’t want to deal with tooth decay, which is true of every single patient we see at our Overland Park, KS practice. However, you may recognize that as much as you try to be a good dental patient, you still deal with decay, you still wonder about how to prevent it, you’re not so sure about why you need to stop it immediately when it does develop, and there are just so many unknowns. Like anything else, this topic can become a source of confusion for you or, with just a quick and helpful (information-packed) review, you can feel as though you know every last essential detail!

First, About Decay

When the dangerous bacteria in your mouth release acids onto your teeth, which eat away slowly but surely at your enamel, your tooth tissue decays. Eventually, this leaves a hole in your tooth. The bacteria release acids as they digest sugars and carbohydrates that you eat and leave behind. When you drink acidic beverages, eat acidic foods, and more, you create an even more dangerous environment in your smile in which teeth are vulnerable to damage.

Next, About Preventing Decay

As you can imagine, the main goals in preventing tooth decay include keeping bad bacteria from accumulating on your teeth, trying to avoid feeding these acid-producing bacteria, and keeping your smile as close to a neutral pH as possible. Here’s how you do it:

  • Keeping your smile free of too many bad bacteria means you need to brush twice a day, you need to floss once a day, and you need visits for cleanings with our practice (twice a year)
  • Doing what you can to avoid feeding the bacteria in your mouth means limiting sugar and carbohydrates or, at the very least, rinsing your smile with water when you consume them
  • Keeping your mouth “neutral” means again, doing your best to minimize feeding bacteria, drinking water instead of other beverages, and rinsing and brushing after meals or snacks that are acidic

Finally, Treating Decay

If you have tooth decay, you cannot ignore it and expect it to go away. It cannot heal. Instead, it’s going to get worse. So, you come in to see our team for a dental filling. It’s quick, beautiful, and effective. Your decay will be gone and your tooth will be healthy again. Think you need a filling? Contact us soon!

Review Tooth Decay Care Today

When you know it’s time to schedule a visit for a cavity diagnosis and to learn more about how to treat your tooth, schedule a visit with us. We will talk with you about your filling and what you can expect! To learn more, or to schedule your consultation, call Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, today at 913-381-2600.