Are you excited when you think about receiving porcelain veneers for your smile? Is this feeling almost instantly overshadowed by a storm cloud that hovers when you realize veneers are probably fragile and hard to keep looking lovely? Amazing news: Our Overland Park, KS team reminds you that veneers are actually very easy to keep up and are much more resilient than you probably imagine they are. Step through some fantastic benefits regarding veneer maintenance with us and you will quickly discover your initial plans to choose them may have been wiser than you know!
They Can Withstand Normal Stress
Just like your teeth can withstand your chewing, laughing, talking, and daily use, so can porcelain veneers. We know that when you hear us say “porcelain” or discuss ceramic, you may immediately visualize extremely delicate materials that are very breakable. The truth is that we are putting a carefully crafted shell over the front of each designated tooth that is designed to withstand daily and long-term pressure. You can use your smile as you always do without anxiety.
They Can Remain Vibrant
Can your porcelain veneers develop stains over time? Yes! Can you easily keep them clean, so that you prolong their beauty and avoid any type of damage and discoloration? Again, the answer is yes. So, ultimately, it’s up to you how long you maintain the beauty of your veneers. Keep in mind, if you want them to stay nice and bright, limiting the amounts of staining foods you eat is a good idea. Or, doing your best to reach for water to rinse your smile after enjoying such foods will most certainly be to your benefit.
Care Is Simple
So…how do you care for them, you wonder? Fortunately, you’re not looking at any dramatic changes. In fact, you’re not looking at any small changes, either. Instead, you’re just going to be required to continue on with the dental hygiene and professional cleanings we have always recommended for you and your smile. If you’re not entirely sure what we mean, here’s your refresher: Brush twice a day. Floss once a day. Schedule your dental cleanings and exams with our practice twice annually. Done!
Learn About Veneer Benefits With Us
If you would like to improve your smile with porcelain veneers or other cosmetic dental care, remember that the best way to get started, to learn more, and to head toward your desired goal is to see us for a consultation as soon as you can. To learn more, or to schedule your consultation, call Family First Dental in Overland Park, KS, today at 913-381-2600.